PhantomJS 非cli模式下Could not connect to display 错误
## 最后一层的哥们
为 phantomjs 添加参数
<span style="\"font-family:" "helvetica="" neue",="" helvetica,="" arial,="" sans-serif;="" font-size:="" 22px;\"="">QT_QPA_PLATFORM=offscreen</span>
## sudo -u www-data QT_QPA_PLATFORM=offscreenphantomjs## 运行时为文件添加环境
## #!/bin/sh ## LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"/usr/lib/phantomjs:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH\" ## export LD_LIBRARY_PATH ## export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=offscreen ## exec \"/usr/lib/phantomjs/phantomjs\" \"$@\"## 就此解决cli模式能顺利运行,http就崩溃的问题 ## 说了这么多还没说遇到的问题。。。 ## 这是我在git上提的问题,直接搬过来 ## [](\"\") > ## I run it under php cli mode successflu. But,when i run it with http mode.This error log showed. > Which version of PhantomJS are you using? > Version 2.1.1 > Which version of PHP are you using? > PHP 7.0.15-0ubuntu0.16.04.4 (cli) ( NTS ) > Which operating system are you using? > Ubuntu 16.04 LTS > Which version of php-phantomjs are you using? > \"jonnyw/php-phantomjs\": \"4.*\" > What steps will reproduce the problem? > put project to localhost dir > run it by browser > type http://localhost/php-phantomjs/test.php > Press enter > Which version of browser are you using? > chrome 56.0.2924.87 (64-bit) > Here is my code
## <?php require \'vendor/autoload.php\'; ## use JonnyW\\PhantomJs\\Client; ## $client = Client::getInstance(); $client->getEngine()->setPath(\'/usr/lib/phantomjs/phantomjs\'); //$client->getEngine()->debug(true); $request = $client->getMessageFactory()->createRequest(\'\', \'GET\'); /** * @see JonnyW\\PhantomJs\\Http\\Response **/ $response = $client->getMessageFactory()->createResponse(); // Send the request $client->send($request, $response); var_dump($response->getContent());## 主要想记录一下解决这个问题的心路历程。。。特别鸣谢羊的大力支持。。。。老司机万岁 ## 同一个文件,在cli模式下运行顺利,兴高采烈的架设到服务器, ## 然后http访问。。异常迅速 ## 这可是带网络请求的,这么快心都凉了一半 ## 日志打出来一看
## QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display PhantomJS has crashed## 一脸懵逼 ## 最开始猜测是路径错误 ## 于是加入了
## $client->getEngine()->setPath(\'/usr/lib/phantomjs/phantomjs\');## 发现还是错误 ## 这时候当然猜测权限不足 ## 多番尝试
## sudo chown www-data ./ -R ## sudo chgrpwww-data ./ -R ## sudo -u www-data -H php index.php## 依然木有解决问题 ## 这时候想到cli和fpm的配置文件差异 ## 于是将cli模式的配置文件覆盖到fpm下
## cp /etc/php/7.0/cli/php.ini /etc/php/7.0/fpm/php.ini## 毫无卵用 ## 这个时候个人的力量就不行了 ## 老司机提议搜一搜 ## 上github一搜 ## 发现不少人类似问题 ## [](\"\") > ## The offscreen platform is a usable workaround for me with the stock Ubuntu package. This works for me: > > ## QT_QPA_PLATFORM=offscreen phantomjs rasterize.js 2i8zaNg04d9B41Zir2kT3J/output.html 2i8zaNg04d9B41Zir2kT3J.png> ## can confirm export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=offscreen before selenium scripts work\'s well. >
## 这2楼都人生淫家
## 老司机瞬间猜测是木有display原因是缺少屏幕输出
## 。。。
## 总觉得自己用了假linux
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